Sunday, May 16, 2010

Introduction to Silent Words

Welcome to the 'silent' words of my heart that I will begin to share in this blog, but before I get to any of that, I feel some background information and disclaimers are required.

My hope is that one day some of the ideas and thoughts expressed in this blog will find their way into a book. This has not always been an aspiration of mine, but is now something that I am seriously considering thanks the encouragement of some individuals in my life. The reality is that my life has and continues to provide me with a lot of potential material to work with and my goal is to always attempt to turn the good and difficult things that life has thrown at me into something positive.

The silent words of my heart revealed refers to issues and/or concepts in my life that are close to my heart and that I once struggled to reveal to those around me and in some cases litterally remained silent about. Struggles obviously still exisit (afterall I am human), but my ultimate desires are to find peace and acceptance within myself and create those things with people around me.

With that being said, my hope for this blog (for any individual who may come across it) is to share some personal narrative and to increase their awareness about some of the issues that have touched my life. I plan to do this by discussing the potential struggle I have had in regards to particular issues, personal progress being made and through sharing practical information/resources.

This will not be a tell all blog, more like reflections with related information/links for reference. I also have knowledge/awareness of the topics I will be discussing as they relate to me, but I do not claim to be an expert. Ultimately, I hope this blog will serve as another means to accomplish the desires I mentioned above and prehaps any book I write will help or encourage others to break silences in their lives, should that be what they want for themselves.

More to come.

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